This method was done on a iPhone 3G 8gb model. NOT the new iPhone 4 so you should only follow this if using a iPhone 3G and most likely will work on a 2G. Also should work on all iPods.
Warning: do this at your own risk! I made it work but I take no responsibility for your attempts to do this and you will be doing this of your own free will and risk. (overall worst case scenario you don't follow instructions and get a black screen or stuck in recovery mode)
1) You need to upgrade iTunes to the latest version or it will not update
2) Download redsnow here.. http://www.redmondpi...sn0w-0.9.5b5-3/ (links are about halfway down page)
..or here..
3) Now download the iOS 4 (not through iTunes) here..��(choose device for download)
4) Open iTunes and connect iPhone to pc (or Mac) and it will check for update. It will say iOS 4.0.1 available. Let it update
5) After it completes and is successful run redsnow. It will ask you for the firmware (you downloaded separately v4.0) and choose it. It will then have you hold the home button and then hold the power button and then release the power button while still holding the home button. It will show you a timer for each step. If you do this correctly it will do the rest. If not you simply do over.
Even though your iPhone is now v4.0.1 redsn0w will not recognize if you try and use v4.0.1 firmware during jailbreak, you need to use v4.0 during this step.
After it acknowledges the 4.0 firmware it gives you some options..

I personally unchecked the "enable multitasking" because I don't need it or want it. A good way to accidentally run your battery down and little need for more than one app at a time. In the capture I checked "verbose boot" (shows boot data when booting up) but that's a novelty and unchecked before jailbreaking. I actually think verbose boot makes it take longer to boot.
Done! :)
Warning: I'm still testing but so far so good. Did get an odd message starting Cydia up for the 1st time saying disk space too low when I have an almost empty iPhone. Then iPhone went to closed screen during startup of Cydia and seemed to freeze and AT&T logo slid left to where the bars were that vanished. I reopened phone and restarted Cydia and now updating packages. This may be a freak occurrence but if it happens don't worry. Just wait and restart Cydia.
You will get a message from Cydia about your ECID # and then goes on to explain how Apple uses granting access for current firmware. This actually relates to why I use iOS 4.0 in the jailbreak. It asks you to choose to have Cydia store saying "make my life easier" and below for no " i hate jailbreaking". Just ignore and choose "i hate jailbreaking" because Cydia no longer seems to store them. I chose "make my life easier" and says "this device has a pending TSS request" at the top of Cydia but seems to work fine regardless. I believe this is related to hash signatures stored and Apple's involvement in stopping users from downgrading. No biggie.
Notes: One thing I hate is after I upgraded to iOS 4.0 Cycorder stopped working and still does not with 4.0.1.
07.29.10 Been an entire day or so and iPhone is running perfect. Possibly better than it ever has. I personally green light it
Warning: do this at your own risk! I made it work but I take no responsibility for your attempts to do this and you will be doing this of your own free will and risk. (overall worst case scenario you don't follow instructions and get a black screen or stuck in recovery mode)
1) You need to upgrade iTunes to the latest version or it will not update
2) Download redsnow here.. http://www.redmondpi...sn0w-0.9.5b5-3/ (links are about halfway down page)
..or here..
3) Now download the iOS 4 (not through iTunes) here..��(choose device for download)
4) Open iTunes and connect iPhone to pc (or Mac) and it will check for update. It will say iOS 4.0.1 available. Let it update
5) After it completes and is successful run redsnow. It will ask you for the firmware (you downloaded separately v4.0) and choose it. It will then have you hold the home button and then hold the power button and then release the power button while still holding the home button. It will show you a timer for each step. If you do this correctly it will do the rest. If not you simply do over.
Even though your iPhone is now v4.0.1 redsn0w will not recognize if you try and use v4.0.1 firmware during jailbreak, you need to use v4.0 during this step.
After it acknowledges the 4.0 firmware it gives you some options..

I personally unchecked the "enable multitasking" because I don't need it or want it. A good way to accidentally run your battery down and little need for more than one app at a time. In the capture I checked "verbose boot" (shows boot data when booting up) but that's a novelty and unchecked before jailbreaking. I actually think verbose boot makes it take longer to boot.
Done! :)
Warning: I'm still testing but so far so good. Did get an odd message starting Cydia up for the 1st time saying disk space too low when I have an almost empty iPhone. Then iPhone went to closed screen during startup of Cydia and seemed to freeze and AT&T logo slid left to where the bars were that vanished. I reopened phone and restarted Cydia and now updating packages. This may be a freak occurrence but if it happens don't worry. Just wait and restart Cydia.
You will get a message from Cydia about your ECID # and then goes on to explain how Apple uses granting access for current firmware. This actually relates to why I use iOS 4.0 in the jailbreak. It asks you to choose to have Cydia store saying "make my life easier" and below for no " i hate jailbreaking". Just ignore and choose "i hate jailbreaking" because Cydia no longer seems to store them. I chose "make my life easier" and says "this device has a pending TSS request" at the top of Cydia but seems to work fine regardless. I believe this is related to hash signatures stored and Apple's involvement in stopping users from downgrading. No biggie.
Notes: One thing I hate is after I upgraded to iOS 4.0 Cycorder stopped working and still does not with 4.0.1.
07.29.10 Been an entire day or so and iPhone is running perfect. Possibly better than it ever has. I personally green light it