Friday, May 31, 2013

How to connect VPN in Windows 8

Windows 8

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In case you're experiencing any issues regarding the installation and start of the HMA! Pro VPN client
on Windows 8, please make sure that you're using the latest version (currently v2.7.1.7): HMA-Pro-VPN-
Any compatibility warnings you can just ignore and proceed with installation/start.

Should you - for some reason - want or have to use older versions and experience issues, please try the below things:
  • Create a manual PPTP connection as explained here -> Tutorial: Create manual PPTP connection on Windows
  • Name this connection "HMAVPN"
  • Now, go to the properties of the TAP adapter in your network control panel. Rightclick it, select "Properties".
  • Click "Configure". Go to the "Advanced" tab, select "Media Status". Set it to "Always Connected".

  • Now please try to start the HMA client again.
  • In case the HMA client was unable to install the TAP adapter at all, try installing the OpenVPN client,
    which should install the TAP adapter, so the HMA client can use it as well.
  • On some systems it can occur that the VPN connects but is not being used by the system.
    The status of the TAP adapter shows unusual high amount of transferred data.
    This is caused be the fact that the TAP adapter was not installed with the local admin account (which is disabled by default)
    The fix for this is to enable the local administrator account, login to it, then reinstall the HMA client or the OpenVPN GUI.
    Login to your usual account again and disable the local admin account. Restart the computer. Problem should now be fixed :)
  • If PPTP does not work, this can be caused by the fact that the "Telephony" service is disabled.
    Start "services.msc", then start the "Telephony" service and set it to automatic start. Now reinstall the HMA client.

Of course you can also use our alternative connection methods and clients, listed in the article Ways to connect
E.g. the PPTP/L2TP dialer or the OpenVPN client. They work fine with Windows 8.

How to connect VPN in Maemo OS

Maemo OS

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There is a OpenVPN client conversion for Maemo OS, which can be used with our config files from

If you like to try it, please let us know your results.

  With latest update from Maemo and latest software and Open VPN configs you’ll be able to connect to Open VPN via Wifi.

1.  Go to and install Open VPN v2.1~rc20-3maemo3
This will install only Open VPN software, if you are familiar with Linux you can use it from x-terminal line without GUI.
2. Install Open VPN GUI: to install OpenVPN Applet v0.5.3-1 go to and press install.
  3. Download Open VPN config files from and extract the content onto your Maemo device.
4. Open Open VPN GUI and press:  Manage connections -> New -> Configuration File
  5. In Maemo, go to the vpn config folder and select a *.ovpn configuration file.This will complete all needed fields. 
6. Press Import button. This will create new Open VPN connection.

7.  You can now connect to the VPN.

How to connect VPN in Apple TV


AppleTV is not a television - it's a digital media receiver developed and sold by Apple Inc.
It is a small form factor network appliance designed to play digital content originating from the
iTunes Store, Netflix, YouTube, Flickr, MobileMe,, NBA League Pass, NHL GameCenter
or any Mac OS X or Windows computer running iTunes onto an enhanced-definition or high-definition widescreen television.
For more info about AppleTV, see:


AppleTV has no built-in VPN client, so you need a VPN router to let it use a VPN connection.
But that's quite simple; once you have a VPN router (so e.g. a router with DD-WRT firmware support), a possible setup would be:

  • DSL-Modem/Gateway router -> VPN router -> Apple TV

The DSL-Modem/Gateway router connects you to the internet as usual.
For VPN router configuration, see the article Router configuration.
Once the VPN router is successfully configured for VPN, test it by e.g. plugging your computer into it. Verify your IP/location e.g. at to make sure the VPN is connected.
Now, connect the AppleTV to the VPN router. What's left to do is just configuring the AppleTV itself.
When using a wired network (LAN), the AppleTV usually does the configuration by itself, but you should check the settings anyway.
  • IP Address: should be in the same IP subnet (e.g. 192.168.0.x) as the VPN router
  • Router Address: IP of the VPN router
  • DNS Address: or any other DNS
To prevent issues, you should deactivate the integrated firewall on both routers, enable options like PPTP+L2TP+IPsec passthrough and creating port forwarding rules (at least for VPN related ports) is also a good idea.
For more troubleshooting info, see:

How to setup VPN in Amazon Kindle Fire

Amazon Kindle Fire
Recently we were informed that it's now possible to connect to the VPN on Kindle Fire using the app FeatVPN.
You can use our Android-FeatVPN tutorial for this:

An alternative to this might be using the app OpenVPN Connect, but we've had no feedback regarding this app in connection with the Kindle Fire yet. If you have done this successfully, please let us knwo via email @

Alternative connection methods:
a) Get a router like e.g. the ASUS-RTN16 or any other router that supports DD-WRT firmware,
configure it for HMA Pro VPN and then let the Kindle Fire use the routers WLAN connection.
Then it's automatically protected by the VPN.

b) Create a local hotspot using the VPN connection and 3rd party tools.
You can use the instructions from the article Blackberry.

How to setup VPN on Sony Playstation

To get your Playstation connected to the VPN, you need a VPN router.

You may configure your router for HMA Pro VPN using our instructions from the article Router configuration.
Once finished, just connect the Playstation to your router via WiFi or LAN.
Once the Playstation establishes a connection to the configured router it will go under the VPN tunnel.  

The alternative to using a router would be to use Internet Connection Sharing.
Configuring your PS3 for VPN allows you e.g. to watch Netflix or other services on your TV.

Another possible way, which we have not been able to test yet, would be to create a local wifi hotspot using the VPN connection on your computer,
and let the Playstation use that wifi hotspot. You can use the instructions from the article Blackberry for that purpose.

How to get Roku-Box used with VPN


A Roku-Box is a device that can stream Netflix, Hulu and many other services directly to your TV.

Where to get it? -> e.g. Amazon

How to get Roku-Box used with VPN

If you already have a VPN enabled router, just follow this guide: Router Configuration
Once successfully configured, connect your Roku-box to the VPN-enabled router.
It must be configured and connected to a US-based VPN server.
In some cases you need to set the local time of the router, your roku-box and other involved devices to the timezone of the VPN servers location.
Many services are comparing your devices local time to the timezone of your IPs location.
Connect the Roku-Box to the configured VPN router, that's it!
For getting access to services like Netflix, Hulu, etc. you need to be connected to an US based VPN server.
Et voila! You should now be able to stream your favorite services to your TV, using your Roku-Box!

Check our forums for more info:

If you need further help, contact our support @

How to connect XBOX to VPN via ICS on Mac

HMA VPN on XBOX via ICS on Mac

Note, this set up is for Lion 10.7.3. For Snow Leopard 10.6 you have
to edit a plist file in terminal.
Heres what you will need:
  1. VPN account
  2. USB to Ethernet adapter, i use the Apple Macbook Air one
  3. Ethernet Cable
You will have to manually enter the VPN connection, here is how:
  1. Open System Preferences / Network
  2. Click the add (+) interface and choose VPN
  3. IMPORTANT: In VPN-Type, select PPTP
  4. Set HidemyAss as the service name
  5. Click Create
  6. This window will now close and you will be taken back to Network Preferences window
  7. Leave the Configuration as default
  8. In the Server Address enter the PPTP IP address of the VPN Server. To get this you will have to login to the HidemyAss website and
    navigate to PPTP Server on the left of the website. 
  1. Whilst one the website note down your username and password above the server list. Bear in mind that your PPTP password is different to any other password (for security reasons).
  2. Click Authentication Setting and enter your PPTP password – NOT YOUR ACCOUNT PASSWORD!
  3. Click OK to take you back to the network window
  4. Click Advanced and tick “Send all traffic over VPN connection
  5. Click Connect and wait for the green light on the connection window.
  6. To ensure the service is running smoothy visit a IP trace website such as

You will now need to share this VPN network with your XBOX. There two ways of doing this, over WiFi or Ethernet.
I prefer Ethernet as its fast for file sharing  (i use my XBOX as a media center also)

Option 1 Ethernet: XBOX will connect directly to you Mac with a Ethernet cable

  1. Ensure the XBOX is switched off
  2. Connect the Ethernet to USB into you Mac.
  3. Then connect an ethernet cable from the adapter directly into the back of your XBOX.
  4. Open System Preferences / Network
  5. USB to Ethernet should be listed in yellow, if not click the add (+) interface and choose USB to Ethernet
  6. Click back or Show all to take you to the main System Preferences window and select Select Internet Sharing
  7. In the pull down menu “Share you connection from” choose HidemyAss
  8. Then tick USB Ethernet adapter
  9. On the left list tick [Internet Sharing] and [Start] in the pop up window, this should now be green and active
  10. Turn you XBOX on and check the System Setting / Network / Ethernet/ Test XBOX Live to ensure you have a connection

Option 2 Wi-fi:  XBOX will connect directly to you Mac using a new Wi-Fi network

To use this you will have to have you Mac connected to the internet with an Ethernet cable
  1. Open System Preferences window and select Select Internet Sharing
  2. In the pull down menu “Share you connection from” choose HidemyAss
  3. Then tick WiFi
  4. Click the Wi-Fi Option button and set a 5 digit password (WEP Key)
  5. On the left list tick [Internet Sharing] and [Start] in the pop up window, this should now be green and active
  6. Turn you XBOX on and check the System Setting / Network / Wi-Fi/ Test XBOX Live to ensure you have a connection

Theres one more connection option which i haven’t tried but would mean your Mac connects to the internet via wifi and the XBOX will connect to the ethernet port but I’ve not tested this so I’m not sure if it will work.

How Setup Playstation 3 to use VPN via ICS

Once you have setup Internet Connection Sharing on your PC/Mac according to our instructions linked below, follow the instructions to setup your Playstation to use the VPN connection.

  Next step is to set the network connection on your PS3 Console.
On your XMB go to “Settings” and select “Network Settings”.  

  1. Choose “Internet connection settings”. 
  1. You will be asked to select a method, select “Custom"
  1. Select connection method “Wired connection
  1. Select the operation mode for network device – select “Auto-Detect” 

  1. IP address settings – select “Manual” 

  Enter the following settings:
IP address:  192.168.x.110 (This IP must not be the same as the IP address for ICS)
Subnet Mask:
Default router: 192.168.X.115 (IP address from your “Local Area Network”)
Primary DNS: 192.168.X.115
Secondary DNS: 192.168.X.115
  1. MTU select “Automatic”
  1. Proxy server select “Do not use”
  1. UPnP select “Enable”

Press the X button on your controller to save your settings.
Test the connection.

Your PS3 should be connected to VPN.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hulu Spain - How to watch Hulu in Spain?

There are not many countries available that do not allow the American TV shows in their own
country’s channels. Therefore, those who live in the outside of USA do not get the chance of watching those popular TV programs and movies. The reason behind would be the legal issues that have been preventing those broadcasters to show their content in a different part of the world. Spain is also one of those countries where all the American TV shows are not available for some legal issues that have been set by the respective authorities in Spain. Therefore, foreigners those who live in Spain are not being able to watch those popular contents as they would dearly love to.

Availability of live streaming websites in Spain:

However, there are many popular live streaming websites available in the cyber space that is not being accessible while staying in Spain. Hulu is one of those services that are not being able to provide its exciting features among different countries users like in Spain.  Therefore, users live there do not get chances to watch out their favorite movies and TV serials while using the Internet service.
However, Hulu is known for their excellent contribution in the online entertainment sector. It has provided a new dimension in the world of entertainment as users are not being able to watch their favorite contents without spend much as the subscription fee. Moreover, users are getting the chance of watching not only videos of movies and TV serials but also many trailers of upcoming movies, behind scene footages and music videos. These have become possible due to their affiliation with some of the famous TV networks and studios like ABC, NBC, Nickelodeon and Fox Studios. Besides, this service has the ability to support all the available and popular devices like TV that can connect the Internet service, the personal computer, laptop etc. Moreover, it can also support all the newest form of smart phones like Android, iPhone and iPad touch. Besides, the gaming consoles like Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo and Wii can be used in order to activate service of Hulu.
It has been trying to spread out its services in different countries around the world. Therefore, it has already taken some steps in order to start providing services in some European countries that include Spain. However, this service is going to be in limited edition due to some legal obligations. Therefore, users live there will not be able to watch all those popular TV shows along with movies.

What are the options available in Spain for watching Hulu?

There are not many options available in Spain through which users can easily watch out all those popular programs from Hulu website. Sources like proxy service and IP address hiding tools are not good enough to provide accessibility in the website of Hulu. In most of the cases, these proxy services get blocked down by the network administrators of Hulu as these can be easily detected with the help of modern technologies.

Therefore, users should use an option like the VPN service as it can provide all the essential features related to the Internet service. Besides, it has the ability to create a favorable condition through producing an IP address that can signify the users from US region and this will certainly help them while trying to get access into those geo restricted websites like Hulu. Moreover, VPN service also has the capability of providing a top class online security and privacy service for their customers while surfing through random websites in the cyber space. Moreover, users can also feel secure while visiting their personal profiles or email address if they can use this specialized service. With the help of VPN account, users will be able to get access in some of the local websites in Spain while staying outside the country as it can create an IP address that can signify the users from that particular country. However, it also has the ability to provide an anonymity power through which users can browse anywhere in the cyber world without getting notified by the network administrators along with the third party resources. Moreover, users in Spain can also protect themselves from those online frauds like hackers and spammers while using the VPN account. However, VPN is a perfect solution in order to protect all the personal databases while using the Internet service as it basically uses a specialized encryption system through which all the data packets can be transferred with the help of a secured VPN tunneling system.

Best VPN service in Spain for watching Hulu:

If you live in Spain and look forward to obtain a VPN account, you will need to remember some basic aspects before choosing the best one. There are both free and paid VPN service providers available from which users can choose the best service in order to meet up all the requirements while using the Internet connection. Unfortunately, all the free VPN services can not provide enough online security due to their less functional capability. Moreover, these services do not have the ability to provide an absolute anonymity feature while surfing through random websites. Therefore, it will be better avoiding those services as it can create several problems while using the Internet service. In order to obtain all the essential features, users in Spain should choose a VPN service from the top charted Hulu VPN service providers. These paid version of VPN service providers has the ability to provide all the essential features that may require while surfing through random websites. Besides, these service providers will ensure the top notch online security and privacy for the customers. Therefore, users will need to check all the available features from the preferred VPN services in order to check whether it can fulfill all of the requirements. Besides, it is important to know whether your preferred VPN service has the capability to support all the available protocol systems along with all the popular devices. Lastly, you will need to check whether your preferred VPN service provider can provide a good connection speed as it will require while watching those live streaming videos from Hulu.

Name of the Provider
Website Address
Hide My Ass
Strong VPN
Switch VPN
Pure VPN
IPVanish VPN
Hotspot Shield Elite

Hulu Russia - How to watch Hulu in Russia?

If you prefer to obtain some sources of the online entertainment, Netflix or Hulu will be in that
particular list for sure. This service is known as the online based DVD rental services from which users can certainly watch their favorite contents without spending much as a subscription charge
Hulu is one of those live streaming websites where thousands of movies along TV serials can be watched while using the Internet service. Besides, this popular service is providing different type of exclusive features for their customers. Features like unlimited movies and TV shows, easier way of accessing into the website, affordable monthly fee, compatibility with popular devices along with smart phones. Besides, it also supports all the operating systems in order to provide flexibility to their customers. Moreover, users can certainly use this service through using the Television that can connect with the Internet service.
However, this unique service provider is distributing their contents like videos in their own website and their customers can also embed those videos into their own websites also. Moreover, this service is providing with the help of some popular networks and studios like ABC, NBC and Fox programs and movies. Therefore, users are getting the chance of watching all the popular movies along with TV serials of an unlimited number.

Availability of Hulu in different countries:

There are not many countries around the globe that are being lucky to get the subscription of Hulu. However, this company is providing its unique features in USA, Japan, some of the European and Latin American countries. Therefore, many other countries are still deprived of its amazing service in order to watch live streaming videos of movies and TV serials. However, in the European countries, users are not getting all the features of Hulu that basically gets by the US citizens. About this matter, Hulu has already expressed its limitations as the company is not allowed broadcasting all the contents due to some legal obligations.

How to get access in Hulu website while staying in Russia?

Russia is one of those countries where Hulu is not accessible due to some legal issues. Therefore, thousands of users from this country are still not getting the chance of accessing into the website as the respective authorities of this website are restricting them to do so. However, the popularity of this unique service containing website is enormous in Russia. Therefore, many users are trying to seek for a perfect solution in order to get access for watching all those popular TV shows along with movies.

However, the perfect option for users in Russia is to use the VPN service through which they can obtain all the essential features while using the Internet service. This specialized virtual network helps through creating an IP address that can symbolize as the resident of USA. Therefore, the respective authorities will not block users’ access into their website. Besides, users from Russia will get the opportunity of maintaining a top notch online security and privacy service while surfing through random websites around the cyber space. Moreover, VPN service will provide an anonymity power through which they can certainly get access into any of the websites without getting notified by the third party resources and both  of  spammers and hackers. Therefore, users will get the chance of protecting their personal databases from leaking out by those online frauds. However, VPN service also ensures users personal databases in a secured condition as it uses a special encryption system through which all the databases will be transferred with the help of a VPN tunneling system.

Best VPN service in Russia for getting access into the website of Hulu:

There are not many VPN service providers available that can provide a perfect solution in order to watch Hulu while staying in Russia. Users in Russia will get a list of both free and paid VPN service providers. Unfortunately, all the free VPN service providers are not strong enough to provide adequate online security service for their customers. Moreover, they can not create a suitable condition through which users can easily get access into those geo restricted websites like Hulu. More significantly, these free services can not provide an absolute anonymity feature for their customers. Therefore, users will be in a vulnerable condition while surfing through random websites if they prefer to obtain a free VPN service. However, it is important for users in Russia to choose the best VPN service from the top charted VPN service providers. Most of the paid version of VPN services will provide them the top level of online privacy and security service. Besides, they will assure a perfect condition in order to provide them an access into the website of Hulu without facing any sort of trouble. Therefore, users will need to check all the features from those available services in order to pick the right one for them. In order to get a perfect VPN service, it is important to check whether the preferred VPN service can support all the protocol systems along with devices as it will be necessary to obtain a flexible option. Finally, users will have to check the bandwidth speed of the VPN service as it is extremely important while watching those live streaming videos from websites like Hulu.

Name of the Provider
Website Address
Hide My Ass
Strong VPN
Switch VPN
Pure VPN
IPVanish VPN
Hotspot Shield Elite