Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to Check and improve your internet connection speed

With Pro VPN the speeds of your internet connection should usually not be much less than normally.
Of course this depends on several factors like server load, distance to server, speeds of your ISP, etc.
Should your speeds be lower than expected, there are several things you can try to max out your speed:
  • Change protocol (OpenVPN <> PPTP <> L2TP) and test again
  • Switch server (nearest does not necessarily mean fastest!)
  • Try using OpenVPN-UDP with our alternative clients - it's much faster than PPTP or usual OpenVPN. -> UDP
  • Tweak your network settings as explained below


To test your connection speed before and after tweaking anything, you can use e.g. 

Network tweaking

There are numerous ways to tweak your network-, TCP- and browser-settings.
All tools you will need are linked below.

Deactivate Halfopen-Limit (Windows)

First you should deactivate the limit for halfopen connections windows has. This archive (download) includes several tools for that: TCP-Z, Universal TCP/IP Patch, EvID (LvlLord Patch), TCP Patch.
Goal is to set the limit to 255 or deactivate it completely, depending on your operating system.

Network tweaking with TCP-Optimizer (Windows)

TCP-Optimizer is the best freeware tool for optimizing, tweaking and tuning network settings normal users don't have access to or know of.
It replaces all known Net-Tweak-Apps due its complexity. By using the presets (Windows Default, Current, Optimal, Custom) you can easily tweak all settings with one click.

Use the fastest DNS server (all operating systems)

With Tools like NameBench or browsermob-dns-perf you can test which is the fastest DNS server for you.
For most people it is Googles Public DNS ( + but they log your DNS queries.
There are others which are also fast and not from Google.

Tweaking MacOSX

Unfortunately MacOSX does not have as many possible tweaks and networking related settings as Windows does, but still there are some things you can try:

TCP tweaks
  • Start up a terminal window and run the following commands:
    sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=1
    sudo sysctl -w kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=16777216
    sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.sendspace=1048576
    sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.recvspace=1048576

Apple broadband tuner:

  • If you have a WLAN connection, change your routers channel and other WLAN related settings to see if you can get a better signal.
    Also, consider using a wired network setup instead of WLAN. It's more secure and always faster.
  • Temporarily disable your firewall to see if this has a significant effect on your connection performance. If it does, check your firewalls settings,
    remove unnecessary rules or consider using a different firewall software.

Tweaking Linux

Please note that any of the following suggested modifications may improve performance and stability as well as make it worse.
To know if a setting has a positive, negative or any effect at all, it's a good idea to keep doing speedtests before and after each change.

  • Modify TCP settings in sysctl.conf:
    Changing TCP settings on Linux is done by adding the corresponding lines at the end of the file /etc/sysctl.conf and then running "sysctl -p" to apply the changes.
    You should make a backup of the file (e.g. run "cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.backup")

    net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
    net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
    net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
    net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216
    net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1
  • To increase TCP throughput, run this (replace eth0 with your network device identifier if different, e.g. wlan0):
    ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 1000

  • Disable auto-tuning to prevent unwanted behavior:
    sysctl -w net.ipv4.route.flush=1

  • Modify TCP congestion control
    The sysctl variable net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control is set to "reno" by default. You can set it to one of the following options:   

    reno: Traditional TCP used by almost all other OSes. (default)   
    bic: BIC-TCP   
    highspeed: HighSpeed TCP: Sally Floyd's suggested algorithm   
    htcp: Hamilton TCP   
    hybla: For satellite links   
    scalable: Scalable TCP 
    vegas: TCP Vegas  
    westwood: optimized for lossy networks

    E.g. run this:
    sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=htcp

  • Disable segmentation offload, decreases performance but increases stability:
    ethtool -K eth0 tso off

Additional (all operating systems)

  • Always make sure you have the latest available device drivers for your computer; Router firmware, ethernet-adapter and motherboard drivers, BIOS update, etc.
    If you have a network device from realtek, click here. Otherwise check the website of your motherboard/network-device manufacturer.
    Updating your operating system is also a good idea; you should regularly check WindowsUpdate.
  • If you're using Firefox, check out the FasterFox add-on. It really improves surfing performance: FasterFox | FasterFox Extra | FasterFox Lite
  • For testing your speeds, try the speedtest from above, or download an test-file from qsc.de, or download a test torrent: Knoppix Torrent
  • For tweaking uTorrent Advanced Settings there are also several tutorials on this. None of them are perfect, you have to try each setting patiently until you're satisfied with the results. Checkout our article UTorrent for more Info.
  • Old routers, or even new router that are provided to you by your internet provider, are often using outdated firmware or are technically badly manufactured. This can make a difference of multiple megabits - consider getting a better router!

Unnecessary protocols and services (Windows)
On Windows, you should check the advanced settings of your network adapter in the Windows Network Center:
It often contains unnecessary protocols and services that are slowing down your internet connection without being useful in any way.
Disable, or better uninstall services like:
  • QoS Packet Scheduler
  • Virtualbox / VMware drivers, protocols and services
  • Link-Layer Topology
  • Bluetooth related

Basically you can uninstall everything except
  • Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
This is the only thing that's essential for the internet connection to work.
However, should you loose connectivity after changing anything here, you can just reboot your computer and reinstall the removed things again, one by one.


If you have any other network and bandwidth specific tweaks, feel free to let us know :) -> wiki@hmastuff.com
We can also use reports on the results of your speed tweaking, so we know which tweaks to recommend.

How to setup gOpenVPN on Linux

gOpenVPN on Linux step by step

First thing first, download appropriate installation file. You can do so by loading the official gopenvpn web page: http://gopenvpn.sourceforge.net/

Depending on your system, there are RPM and DEB files available. Also, you can build it form the source.
For 64-bit Ubuntu, find the necessary files here instead:

For older systems, 32-bit DEB file can be found on the official web site. Save the file you need.

Open the DEB archive with your favorite package installer.

Click the Install button:

Provide your root password:

And wait a bit:

Confirm it's installed:

Then, you can locate gopenvpn in the main menu.

If you try running the software at this moment, you will be greeted with the following message:

 Don't panic, you will just need to copy any of these configuration files to /etc/openvpn/ folder:

Extract the content of the .zip archive to /etc/openvpn/ using root privileges.
(so that the content of the archive, the keys, certificates and *.ovpn files are in that folder)

Start gopenvpn again, you will find the icon in the upper right corner. Right clicking will bring up the menu:

Click on any server from the list and enter your HMA credentials (the same that you're using to login to the VPN control panel)
Check "Remember Password", so you don't have to enter it again.

If connected, the icon will turn green:

Congratulations! You're connected and you can start enjoying the service.

How to setup HMA VPN via PPTP on Ubuntu


  1. On the bar on the top right click on the connections icon
  2. Click on modification of connections
  3. Go to the VPN tab
  4. On the right click add click "PPTP"
  5. OK
  6. Name of the connection hma and maybe the name of the server
  7. Enter the IP adress of the PPTP server as "Gateway"
  8. Enter your HMA account username and your PPTP password
    (Get the PPTP server IPs and your PPTP password from
    the VPN control panel @ https://vpn.hidemyass.com under "PPTP servers")
  9. Click on "advanced"
  10. Enable "use point to point encryption (mmpe)"
  11. Disable "allow bsd data compression"
  12. Disable "allow deflate dat compression"
  13. Disable "use tcp header compresion"
  14. Leave disable "send ppp echo packet"
  15. Apply
  16. Apply
  17. Go back to the connection icon
  18. Left click
  19. Vpn Connection
  20. Click on your VPN. That's all!

Example video:
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YUgSpKFhuqg" width="514" height="423"></iframe>


1. Configure your VPN:

2. Add new connection:

3. Enter your credentials and server's IP address(Get the PPTP server IPs and your PPTP password from
the VPN control panel @ https://vpn.hidemyass.com under "PPTP servers")


4. Here you can use custom DNS if you like, I'm using Google Public DNS:

5. Turn all off except MPPE:

[Image: screenshotpptpadvancedo.th.png]
Remember, it's important not to tick "Available to all users".

Scheduled IP change for Linux

Would it be possible to start and stop HMA! Pro VPN programmatically via the cronjob or a command line script?

Yes, but that is not possible in the default configuration. It requires a bit more work.
The method described here works on all distributions, and on command-line as well as via GUIs.
Requirement is the OpenVPN package. Step-by-step guide follows:

  1. Download hma-udp-grabber.sh script and save it in some folder. In our example, we have saved it in ~/Desktop
  2. Download and save hma-scheduled-runner.sh It is just a working example which will help you build your own custom script.
  3. Run the Terminal, type cd ~/Desktop/ and press enter.
  4. Make it executable: sudo chmod +x hma-udp-grabber.sh
  5. Run it: sudo sh hma-udp-grabber.sh (don't run it via ./hma-udp-grabber.sh - that would not work!)


  1. Click Yes and provide your HMA! Credentials when prompted.


  1. Congratulations! Correct .ovpn files are set in place.
  2. In order to test it, run sudo chmod +x hma-scheduled-runner.sh then sudo sh hma-scheduled-runner.sh


  1. IP address will start cycling randomly. You may press CTRL + C to stop the loop.
    To check the assigned IP address, you may use our HMA! IP Checker browser extension


  1. Combine the method described above with a clever use of the export display command (export DISPLAY=:0) and some other scripting and this could easily be converted to a cron job.

iPhone: Jailbreaking the new iOS 4.0.1 firmware

This method was done on a iPhone 3G 8gb model. NOT the new iPhone 4 so you should only follow this if using a iPhone 3G and most likely will work on a 2G. Also should work on all iPods.

Warning: do this at your own risk! I made it work but I take no responsibility for your attempts to do this and you will be doing this of your own free will and risk. (overall worst case scenario you don't follow instructions and get a black screen or stuck in recovery mode)

1) You need to upgrade iTunes to the latest version or it will not update

2) Download redsnow here..  http://www.redmondpi...sn0w-0.9.5b5-3/ (links are about halfway down page)

..or here..  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DCEGFX7N

3) Now download the iOS 4 (not through iTunes) here.. http://gizmodo.com/5...s4-now��(choose device for download)

4) Open iTunes and connect iPhone to pc (or Mac) and it will check for update. It will say iOS 4.0.1 available. Let it update

5) After it completes and is successful run redsnow. It will ask you for the firmware (you downloaded separately v4.0) and choose it. It will then have you hold the home button and then hold the power button and then release the power button while still holding the home button. It will show you a timer for each step. If you do this correctly it will do the rest. If not you simply do over.

Even though your iPhone is now v4.0.1 redsn0w will not recognize if you try and use v4.0.1 firmware during jailbreak, you need to use v4.0 during this step.

After it acknowledges the 4.0 firmware it gives you some options..

Posted Image

I personally unchecked the "enable multitasking" because I don't need it or want it. A good way to accidentally run your battery down and little need for more than one app at a time. In the capture I checked "verbose boot" (shows boot data when booting up) but that's a novelty and unchecked before jailbreaking. I actually think verbose boot makes it take longer to boot.

Done! :)

Warning: I'm still testing but so far so good. Did get an odd message starting Cydia up for the 1st time saying disk space too low when I have an almost empty iPhone. Then iPhone went to closed screen during startup of Cydia and seemed to freeze and AT&T logo slid left to where the bars were that vanished. I reopened phone and restarted Cydia and now updating packages. This may be a freak occurrence but if it happens don't worry. Just wait and restart Cydia.

You will get a message from Cydia about your ECID # and then goes on to explain how Apple uses granting access for current firmware. This actually relates to why I use iOS 4.0 in the jailbreak. It asks you to choose to have Cydia store saying "make my life easier" and below for no " i hate jailbreaking". Just ignore and choose "i hate jailbreaking" because Cydia no longer seems to store them. I chose "make my life easier" and says "this device has a pending TSS request" at the top of Cydia but seems to work fine regardless. I believe this is related to hash signatures stored and Apple's involvement in stopping users from downgrading. No biggie.

Notes: One thing I hate is after I upgraded to iOS 4.0 Cycorder stopped working and still does not with 4.0.1.

07.29.10 Been an entire day or so and iPhone is running perfect. Possibly better than it ever has. I personally green light it

How to secure your iPad or iPhone

There are several ways to secure your iPad/iPhone, mostly with good software and modifications that can be found everywhere on the web. Here's a list:

  • Jailbreak your idevice - though there are a few problems security wise to jailbreaking (basically exploiting a security hole), the pros you gain far outweigh the cons.
P.S. Jailbreaking is "legal" for now - http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/07...lbreaking/

  • PDF Patch - this is a nasty thing, through cydia get the PDF patcher, it will protect your phone fromfuture PDF exploits.

  • Change your SSH password - SSH is a great thing, but every iPhone get the same password - the first iPhone "worm" was made because of this.

  • Gorilla app - a great security device that gives you more control and anonymity than anything I've ever seen (change the useragent, spoof the identifier, stor the auto-opening of certain extensions, etc)

  • Firewall iP - a good tool for security, also can decrease the amount of data leak on the cellular network.

  • Guizmovpn - use OpenVPN on your idevice, PPTP is not as secure and can be blocked, a bit of a hassle to get working but worth it. The iPhone PPTP can sometim drop when going into sleep mode - WTF Apple??

  • Use a AES protected app - Store your information(notes, contactc, photos, etc) safely, even if someone would guess your lock screen pin (YOU DO HAVE THAT, DONT YOU?) Be sure to check that it uses encryption as most apps just "lock" the app, but it can be got to very simply.
Ben the Bodyguard is kinda non-professional, but it does the job very well. -> http://benthebodyguard.com/

  • iLocalis - best app if someone stole your device - take the thief's picture, block all apps, stop shutdown (seriously, findmyiPhone sucks, all the thief has to do is to turn it off... WTF Apple???)

  • Bluetooth OFF - ..... seriously, why in the world is there no middleground with Apple, the bluetooth on iPhone, if on, will be pinging for new devices, there's no way to stealth it so that there's only the connection going on...

  • Reset Safari for SBSettings
Clear cache & History with the click of one button.

iPhone: Jailbreaking the new iOS 4 firmware

This method was done on a iPhone 3G 8gb model. NOT the new iPhone 4 so you should only follow this if using a iPhone 3G and most likely will work on a 2G. Also should work on all iPods.

Warning: do this at your own risk! I made it work but I take no responsibility for your attempts to do this and you will be doing this of your own free will and risk. (overall worst case scenario you don't follow instructions and get a black screen or stuck in recovery mode)

1) You need to upgrade iTunes to the latest version or it will not update

2) Download redsnow here..  http://www.redmondpi...sn0w-0.9.5b5-3/ (links are about halfway down page)

..or here..  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DCEGFX7N

3) Now download the iOS 4 (not through iTunes) here.. http://gizmodo.com/5...s4-now��(choose device for download)

4) Open iTunes and connect iPhone to pc (or Mac) and it will check for update. It will say iOS 4 available. Here's where it gets screwy. Some (self included) get a failure when trying to to simply update directly. It fails.

Hold the "shift" key and click "restore" in iTunes and it will let you pick the firmware which you already have (from step 3). Let it run.

5) After it completes and is successful run redsnow. It will ask you for the iOS 4 firmware so choose it just like in the last step. It will then have you hold the home button and then hold the power button and then release the power button while still holding the home button. It will show you a timer for each step. If you do this correctly it will do the rest. If not you simply do over.

Done! :)

iPhone: Jailbreaking the new 3.1.3 firmware

Posted ImageNot really complicated to explain this but want to stress I worked on this for many hours intent on breaking Apple's new attempt at stopping us from jailbreaking our iPhones and because I resent Apple in general. This was done on a iPhone 3G and any of you that try this on any iPhone you are doing at your own risk and choosing and I take no responsibility for any negative results or hair pulling!

***This will only jailbreak the iPhone and does not unlock it! That you will have to wait for a new hack to do and the others online claiming a different way are full of it. Blackra1n can't, all other Sn0w's can't, QuickPWN can't.

1) Download redsn0w 0.9.2   http://wikee.iphwn.org/howto:rs9
2) Download firmware 3.1.2   http://www.quickpwn....load-links.html
3) Run redsn0w and follow prompts, make sure you do exactly
***Cydia will already be checked in list but you can also check verbose boot if you want to see it boot with all of the data on the screen

Update: redsn0w 0.9.4 http://www.blogsdna....-3-firmware.htm

***Using Vista or Windows 7 I highly suggest putting the redsn0w.exe into Windows Xp SP2 Posted Imagecompatibility mode by right clicking it and choose properties/ compatibility and then check the box and already should say XP SP2. Then run redsn0w.exe as admin (right click "run as admin")

The real trick here is that having an iPhone with 3.1.3 installed you basically trick redsn0w into thinking you have 3.1.2 by choosing it when asked as if that is your current firmware but is really 3.1.3. It will verify the firmware you downloaded (in download location, find) which is 3.1.2 and then proceed to putting iPhone into DFU mode which is similar to restore mode so do exactly (it counts as you hold the buttons, if you accidentally put into restore mode it will screw this up) then BAM it starts to install the jailbreak info. Redsn0w will then say the rest will happen on your iPhone. Do not touch iPhone until complete

Once complete you will now have Cydia and allow that to update itself and then reinstall your app's.

Then using your middle finger aim it at Apple HQ!

I tried every possible way and this is the only program or way that will work to my knowledge. If you try a different way you will end up with an iPhone in permanent restore mode until you restore back to default 3.1.3 and do as Apple tells you to do. Also after installing 3.1.3 it wont allow you to downgrade your firmware as well as I have learned. Something to do with signatures of firmware to intentionally keep you from jailbreaking which I just proved you can BUT I will never be able to downgrade to my knowledge. I tried many times to restore to 3.1.2 and you get an error each time just when it looks like it's working and almost finished. You can thank Apple for this. It's not bad enough you pay a lot for the phone but Apple still thinks they own it. Lol..

***This will only jailbreak the iPhone and does not unlock it! That you will have to wait for a new hack to do and the others online claiming a different way are full of it. Blackra1n can't, all other Sn0w's can't, QuickPWN can't.

Posted Image

How to Use VPN with iPhone 3G

Using VPN with iPhone 3G
[Image: banner2on.png]

Use PPTP under settings/ general/ network/ VPN/ "add VPN Configuration"/ PPTP/..

Description.. server location
Server.. IP of server
Account.. your username
Password.. your PPTP password
Encryption Level.. Auto
Send All Traffic.. ON
Proxy.. OFF

To get server list and your unique PPTP password go to the VPN Control Panel and click on "PPTP servers" on the left.
The main things you need is username (same as using installed client), unique PPTP password and server IP's you wish to set up.

If you want to use the iPhone's 3G data for your computer you need to jailbreak and install PdaNet from Cydia. I believe it's still $29 one time fee but works very well. Then install the "desktop client" here..


You get a trial with PdaNet and you may find another app that does similar but what I use and works nicely. Best to use USB mode because it charges while you use the data. Then connect to VPN on iPhone.

If you want to jailbreak the iPhone..

How to setup GMail SMTP on iOS

This tutorial explains how you can setup your iOS device (iPad/iPhone) to use multiple SMTP servers from GMail.
This is especially useful if you have trouble sending emails while connected to the VPN.

1. Tap the settings icon
You will then get into the iOS settings menu, like you can see on this screenshot ->

 2. Get to the email related settings
Tap "Mail, Contacts, Calendars", then choose the Account for the e-mail (in this case Gmail)

 3. Tap the Account field
 4. Tap the SMTP field
 5. Tap the smtp.gmail.com button under the Primary Server
 6. You should turn off all previous server settings
Do so by clicking on the "ON" button.
The menu will then look like on the next screenshot.
You successfully turned off all previous settings. Good!
Let's go on by clicking on the blue "Done" button.
7. Now tap "Add Server" button
(please keep in mind that all the others servers should be set to OFF)

 8. Fill the "Host Name" field with these SMTP server IPs from GMail:,,,,,,,,,

After you finish this tap "Save".
Should you see a message regarding "imap.gmail.com is missing", you can disregard this.
It's related to incoming email settings which do not matter here.

 9. Now go back to the Account window.

Make sure your GMail account data is correctly entered here:
Name: enter the name you want to be appear as sender
Address: enter your Gmail address (e.g. myacc@gmail.com)
enter your Gmail password
doesn't matter, e.g. "Gmail"

Now please choose the "Advanced" button

10. Here you can change option for using SSL and Server Port as recommended

Possible settings are:
Use SSL: On
Server Port: 25 or 465 or 587

That's all. Save+close all windows and try to send emails while connected to the VPN.
Should you still experience problems sending emails, please try all 3 ports.

How to setup OpenVPN for iPad, iPhone and iTouch

How to configure your iPad / iPhone / iTouch for OpenVPN:

This tutorial is using the "OpenVPN Connect" app (no jailbreak required!)
This method will be the simplest for most users, although it does require you to use 3rd party apps - OpenVPN and Dropbox,
although if you do not want to use Dropbox, there is an alternative option to use your PC and email.

If you prefer the app "GuizmoVPN" (jailbreak required), please follow this link: GuizmoVPN


OpenVPN Connect tutorial

1. Run the App Store; there, search and install the "OpenVPN Connect" application
2. This step is a bit tricky due to limitations of iOS, you either have to email yourself the config files,
or import them into your Dropbox folder (which requires a Dropbox account and the Dropbox app).

Both ways are explained below:

3a. Importing config files via Dropbox:
Open this Dropbox folder and add the content to your own Dropbox account:
On your iOS device, open the Dropbox app and navigate to the freshly imported folders.
Here open the *.ovpn file of the server you want to connect to;
now select "Open with OpenVPN"

3b. Importing config files by emailing them to the iOS device:
Download and extract the  config files on your computer:
From there, send them via email to the address you're using on your iPad/iPod/iPhone.

Open the e-mail and you should be able to see a similar window like below;
Tap the icon that you see on the screen.
Choose the option "Open in OpenVPN"
Note that there's a limitation of 50 servers that can be imported in the OpenVPN client.

4. This window will appear. Please tap the green "+" button to add the server to the program.

5. Here, please enter your HMA! login data (username and password) into "User ID" and "Password".
Tap the Connection button.

6. The app will now attempt to connect to the VPN.

7. The status should now show you "Connected", which means that you
are successfully connected to the VPN service.

8. Please check e.g. at geoip.hidemyass.com to confirm that your IP has changed