You will have to manually enter the VPN connection, here is how: - Open System Preferences / Network
 - Click the add (+) interface and choose VPN
- IMPORTANT: In VPN-Type, select PPTP
- Set HidemyAss as the service name
- Click Create
- This window will now close and you will be taken back to Network Preferences window
 - Leave the Configuration as default
- In the Server Address enter the PPTP IP address of the VPN Server. To get this you will have to login to the HidemyAss website and
navigate to PPTP Server on the left of the website.
 - Whilst one the website note down your username and password above the server list. Bear in mind that your PPTP password is different to any other password (for security reasons).
- Click Authentication Setting and enter your PPTP password – NOT YOUR ACCOUNT PASSWORD!
- Click OK to take you back to the network window
- Click Advanced and tick “Send all traffic over VPN connection
- Click Connect and wait for the green light on the connection window.
- To ensure the service is running smoothy visit a IP trace website such as
You will now need to share this VPN network with your XBOX. There two ways of doing this, over WiFi or Ethernet. I prefer Ethernet as its fast for file sharing (i use my XBOX as a media center also) Option 1 Ethernet: XBOX will connect directly to you Mac with a Ethernet cable  - Ensure the XBOX is switched off
- Connect the Ethernet to USB into you Mac.
- Then connect an ethernet cable from the adapter directly into the back of your XBOX.
- Open System Preferences / Network
- USB to Ethernet should be listed in yellow, if not click the add (+) interface and choose USB to Ethernet
- Click back or Show all to take you to the main System Preferences window and select Select Internet Sharing
- In the pull down menu “Share you connection from” choose HidemyAss
- Then tick USB Ethernet adapter
- On the left list tick [Internet Sharing] and [Start] in the pop up window, this should now be green and active
- Turn you XBOX on and check the System Setting / Network / Ethernet/ Test XBOX Live to ensure you have a connection
Option 2 Wi-fi: XBOX will connect directly to you Mac using a new Wi-Fi network  To use this you will have to have you Mac connected to the internet with an Ethernet cable - Open System Preferences window and select Select Internet Sharing
- In the pull down menu “Share you connection from” choose HidemyAss
- Then tick WiFi
- Click the Wi-Fi Option button and set a 5 digit password (WEP Key)
- On the left list tick [Internet Sharing] and [Start] in the pop up window, this should now be green and active
- Turn you XBOX on and check the System Setting / Network / Wi-Fi/ Test XBOX Live to ensure you have a connection
Theres one more connection option which i haven’t tried but would mean your Mac connects to the internet via wifi and the XBOX will connect to the ethernet port but I’ve not tested this so I’m not sure if it will work. |
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