Saturday, January 25, 2014

Find Out How To Watch Netflix, Hulu And More On Google TV

Make your Weekends FUN! Sit tight on the couch, get a bowl of Nachos and watch on-demand video streaming from Netflix, Hulu, HBO and more with Sony Google TV and a VPN router. 

Google teamed up with Sony, Intel and Logitech to launch Google TV in 2010. It is a popular entertainment platform that uses Google’s Android OS and Linux version of Google Chrome to create a TV version overlay with the Video and TV streaming sites, Audio Streaming, Sports News and gaming websites.

We all know that Netflix, Hulu, Flixter and Pandora are blocked outside of US due to licensing constraints; and to overcome this misery, you need a VPN. Moreover, Google TV needs a VPN router to connect with a VPN account.
VPN Router The Main Ingredient For Google TV
Since, Google TV is a VPN-clientless device it cannot connect to websites like Netflix and Hulu without the support of a VPN router, outside of the US. Therefore, you will need a VPN router to enable the connection and enjoy your most favorite programs from the US, even when you are thousands of miles away from the US.

The VPN routers also enable you to share your VPN connection with other devices such as PS3, PS4, Xbox, Boxee, Roku Boxes, Apple TV and anything else that can link to a router for Internet connectivity.

The Secret Recipe

Get Access Netflix and Hulu on Google TV

Access Netflix, Hulu, Pandora On Google TV Anywhere

People with little or no technological knowledge may find it difficult to setup Google TV with a VPN router – Just like a person with no cooking experience may over or under cook a dish the first time. Therefore, we are giving you the whole recipe of how to get the best moments on Google TV:
  • 1 VPN Router (Asus, DDWRT, TP Link, Belkin, Tomato as per your taste)
  • 1 US IP VPN Account
  • 1 Google TV Device
  • Netflix, Hulu, Flixter and Pandora Account

Here’s The Recipe:
  1. Configure PureVPN on your VPN router first.
  2. Connect Google TV device with your smart TV or TVs that connect to the Internet as well as to standard set-top devices like DVD and Blu-ray players or DVRs.
  3. Connect your Google device with router through Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi
  4. Press ‘Menu’ on the remote control, the screen will appear with the vast list of apps supported by Google TV.
  5. Select your favorite App from the list (Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, Flixter, Amazon, IMBD movies, Clicker, Cartoon Network and much more) of your choice and ENJOY!
It’s worth the HASSEL!

PureVPN offers support for a variety of VPN routers such as Asus, DDWRT, Belkin, Tomato and TP Link. These routers need small and easy configuration tweaks to setup a PureVPN account on them and connect with any wireless or VPN-clientless device.

Travelers, expats and foreigners suffer the worst form of entertainment starvation when they go outside of the US borders – the same starvation non-US resident’s face too. While living outside the US, temporarily or permanently, one can easily access on-demand video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, HBO,Flixter, Cartoon Network, Pandora, iTunes and others. All it requires is another country IP address to provide access to such content. If you find yourself in this predicament, remember that all you need is a VPN router with a leading VPN service like PureVPN on it.

The operations of setting up a Wire frame and connecting a VPN account with router needs technical skills. Nevertheless, PureVPN’s 24/7/365 technical support is always there to help you out. There are easy tutorials available at the PureVPN website to guide Do-It-Yourself users all the time.

Name of the Provider
Website Address
Hide My Ass
Strong VPN
Switch VPN
Pure VPN
IPVanish VPN
Hotspot Shield Elite


Access Google TV anytime Anywhere

Android VPN flaw found, exposes protected data

Security researchers have claimed a flaw affecting Android 4.3 can be used to hijack unencrypted communications from an active VPN connection.

According to researchers at Ben Gurion University's (BGU) Cyber Security Labs, a malicious app can be used on bypass VPN connections on Jelly Bean devices and push communications to a different network address.

In a video, the researchers demonstrate a malicious app being used to capture subject header details from an email that was sent while a VPN connection was active. The data was captured in unencrypted format, leaving what should have been protected data completely exposed, the researchers note.

"This vulnerability enables malicious apps to bypass active VPN configuration (no root permissions required) and redirect secure data communications to a different network address. These communications are captured in clear text (no encryption), leaving the information completely exposed. This redirection can take place while leaving the user completely oblivious, believing the data is encrypted and secure," the researchers wrote on Friday.

Their new find follows a bug that BGU previously claimed to have found in Samsung's secure app container Knox, which, also relied on a malicious app to bypass the security feature to intercept outgoing communications data.

Samsung and Google later denied it was a flaw in Android or Knox, but admitted the researchers' attack used legitimate Android functions in an unintended way. Despite denying it was a flaw, one of Samsung's recommendations to mitigate the exploit was to use Android's built-in VPN or its support for a third-party VPN.

According to BGU, the new attack is related to the Knox exploit, and works against a properly configured VPN on Android 4.3 devices from multiple vendors. While the exploit can also affect SSL/TLS traffic, it remains encrypted after capture.

The researchers said they had filed a report with Google, which is yet to respond to the claimed vulnerability.

ZDNet has asked Google for comment and will update the story if it receives one.

Name of the Provider
Website Address
Hide My Ass
Strong VPN
Switch VPN
Pure VPN
IPVanish VPN
Hotspot Shield Elite

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hacker exploits child monitoring camera, cybercriminals using mobile ad networks to siphon money and Google increases the rewards for its bug bounty program

Hacker shouts abuse at child through monitoring camera
A hacker has exploited a vulnerability in a camera marketed as an ideal ‘baby monitor’ in order to shout abuse at a two-year-old child in Texas. The baby’s parents heard a voice coming from the camera as it directed offensive and sexualised language at their young child who was asleep in bed. The camera is manufactured by Foscam, who have recently released an emergency fix for vulnerabilities like this, although it’s not clear whether the parents had applied the emergency updates. The child’s parents have described the fact that their daughter is deaf as ‘something of a blessing’ under the circumstances.

Malware using mobile advert networks to steal money
Cybercriminals from Asia are reportedly using mobile ad networks to steal money from their victims. App developers normally assess the ad networks that they choose to partner with before entering into any agreements, but those that don’t leave themselves open to malicious ad networks. These networks can run their own software in otherwise legitimate apps, and download malware to the user’s smartphone. This malware then sends text messages to premium rate numbers and downloads instructions from a command and control server, effectively siphoning off the user’s money. Android users are advised to only download apps through Google Play, which runs its own scans for these kinds of scams.

Google increases bug bounty programme rewards
Google has announced that it has paid out nearly $2m to security researchers who have uncovered bugs for the company. To celebrate the success of the reward scheme, Google is now set to increase the amount of money on offer to anyone who first alerts them to bugs in future. In some instances this could mean an increase of up to five times the previous reward. Providing a patch along with the bug report will still earn researchers a bonus, and bonuses will continue to be awarded for the discovery of bugs in critical pieces of open source software.

15 días hasta el final de la venta del verano HMA!

Estamos a mitad de agosto, que ahora significa que hay sólo 15 días que quedan de nuestra venta de verano. No lo deje demasiado tarde, tomar un descuento HMA! VPN Pro suscripción actual. Con nuestro plan de 12 meses de recibir el descuento más grande (ahorrar más del 56%!), por lo tanto, ha sido nuestro plan más popular entre nuestros usuarios. Cuando usted pide un plan de 12 meses usted seguirá recibiendo el 56% de descuento en venta de verano en sus renovaciones durante el tiempo que estás con nosotros.

XV diebus usque ad consummationem HMA Summer Sale!

Sumus per medium Augusti, quod significet quod nunc non est nisi XV diebus aestatis reliquum sale. Ne dimittas eam, sero Aenean iaculis HMA! Pro VPN subscriptione hodie. XII mensis nostro consilio accepto maxima discount (nisi super LVI%!), igitur fuit consilio nostro maxime popularis inter nostrum users. Dum tu iubes XII mensis a consilio accepto instes LVI% discount in aestate venditionem vestris innovationes, quamdiu es in nobis.


今、私たちは夏のセールで残っている唯一の15日があることを意味し8月、途中です。遅すぎる、それを放置しないでください、割引つかむHMAを!VPNプロスクリ今日。 我々の12月の計画は最大の割引(56%以上オフ!) ​​を受信すると、それは、したがって、我々のユーザーの中で、私たちの最も人気のある計画となっています。あなたは12ヶ月プランを注文するときは、限り、あなたは私たちと一緒にいるようにするためのあなたのリニューアルに56%の夏のセールの割引を受けていきます。

15 giorni fino alla fine del HMA estate!

Siamo a metà agosto, che ora significa che c'è solo 15 giorni a sinistra della nostra vendita di estate. Non lasciare troppo tardi, afferrare un scontato HMA! Pro VPN abbonamento oggi. Con il nostro programma di 12 mesi che riceve il più grande sconto (risparmiare oltre il 56%!), è quindi stato il nostro piano più popolare tra i nostri utenti. Quando si ordina un piano di 12 mesi si continuerà a ricevere il 56% di sconto estate vendita sui vostri rinnovi per tutto il tempo che sei con noi.